Application responsibilities when the RPL is not posted complete

There are several cases where the RPL is not posted complete after the APPCCMD is issued. These cases and the associated application responsibilities are:
  • TPEND return code 8 (VTAM® abnormal termination or a HALT NET, CANCEL command)

    The application must locate all pending RPLs and then must process XBUFLST to locate any storage for which VTAM did not accept ownership (for a send request) or which was already transferred to application (for a receive request). Details of this process are described in TPEND exit considerations when sends are pending and TPEND exit considerations when receives are pending.

  • Application executing in initiator-attached task that terminates

    CSM memory termination or job step task RTM locates and releases any CSM owned by the terminating application.

  • Subtask of initiator-attached task abends
    If the application requires unprocessed CSM storage in pending RPLs to be automatically freed, the application must task associate the CSM as follows:
    • For TCB mode RPL requests on a send macroinstruction, use CSM Services to ensure that CSM is associated with the ACB task.
    • For TCB mode RPL requests on a receive macroinstruction, specify to VTAM the application task that is the ACB task so that VTAM can ensure that CSM is associated with that task.
    • For SRB mode RPL requests, associate CSM storage to the same TCB that the SRB is associated with.

    If the application does not require unprocessed CSM storage in pending RPLs to be automatically freed, task association is not used. RPLs could be active until the abending task has completed task termination. The application must wait for the RPL request to quiesce. Therefore, the application must locate and process incomplete RPLs at the attaching task level after task term completes.