Open Systems Adapter (OSA)

Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility (OSA/SF) customizes the modes and port parameters of an OSA-2, whichprovides S/390 network connectivity directly to LANs and WANs that support IP and SNA protocols.
Order Number Title Abstract Link TOC Link PDF Link Last Updated
SC14-7580-02 Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility on Hardware Management Console Abstract TOC PDF March 2016
SA23-2266-02 OSA-Express3 ICC Dual-Port User's Guide Abstract TOC PDF September 2013
SA23-2247-00 OSA-ICC 3215 Support Abstract TOC PDF September 2013
SA22-7990-01 OSA-ICC User's Guide Abstract TOC PDF September 2013
SA22-7935-17 z Systems OSA-Express Customer's Guide and Reference Abstract TOC PDF September 2015
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