VRA data for SRM related problems

When either of the SRM functional recovery routines (FRR) is entered, the FRR fills in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) fields before scheduling an SVC dump. In some cases, the FRR changes the abend code or reason code after the dump is scheduled and before the logrec record is written; this action makes the abend code in the logrec record different from the code in the dump.

The FRR places problem determination data into the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) in key-length-data format using standard keys.

The following fields provide important information:
The entry point address of either the SRM routine that was in control at the time of the error or, if a subroutine was in control, the routine that called the subroutine.
A copy of the recovery routine parameter area (RRPA). The RRPA contains status information used on exit from SRM and during SRM recovery processing. The low-order byte in the first word of the RRPA contains the SYSEVENT code for the original entry to SRM.
A copy of the RRPA (as in field VRARRP) but with several entries cleared because they can be different for different invocations of the same function. The VRAFP is the footprint area SRM uses to recognize duplicate problems.
The name of the routine that failed.
The original abend code. The FRR might have changed the code.
The address space identifier (ASID) of the address space for which SRM was invoked.
The caller's address, if the SYSEVENT was branch-entered.

See z/OS® MVS™ Data Areas in http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/bkserv/ for VRAMAP, which describes the VRA keys, and for the IRARRPA mapping macro, which maps the RRPA.