This report displays information about pseudo terminal user connections and OCS remote terminal connections. Fields displayed in the pseudo terminal section of the report include:
Dev Minor
The device minor number assigned to the terminal file.
The open or closed status of the master and subordinate pseudo terminals.
The foreground process group ID.
Session ID
The session ID of the controlling terminal.
Slv Opn Cnt
The number of opens for the subordinate file.
Input Queue Size
The number of characters on the input queue.
Output Queue Size
The number of characters on the output queue.
Mst Rd
The number of master read requests in progress.
Mst Wrt
The number of master write requests in progress.
Mst Drn
The number of master drain requests in progress.
Mst Sel
The number of master select requests in progress.
Slv Rd
The number of subordinate read requests in progress.
Slv Wrt
The number of subordinate write requests in progress.
Slv Drn
The number of subordinate drain requests in progress.
Slv Sel
The number of subordinate select requests in progress.
If the OCS is active, then additional fields in the report include:
TBM Host Name
The name of the terminal buffer manager (TBM) connection.
TBM Flags
IBM® may request this information for diagnostic purposes.
Dev Minor
The device minor number of the terminal file.
The open or closed status of the remote terminal.
The foreground process group ID.
Session ID
The session ID of the controlling terminal.
Reply/Wait Queue Size
The number of syscall requests that have been sent to the OCS, and are waiting for a reply.
Background Read/Write Queue Size
The number of syscalls that have issued a background read or write and are stopped, waiting to be placed in the foreground.
Select Queue Size
The number of selects in progress.