Failing function information

This section appears in the report if one of the following functions caused the failure:
Language query
Message translate
Start MMS
SET MMS=xx command or the INIT MMS(xx) statement of the CONSOLxx parmlib member
Refresh MMS
SET MMS=xx command
Stop MMS
SET MMS=NO command
Display MMS status

The first sentence in the Status at the Time of Error section indicates which function failed, along with the system completion code and reason code. If the system cannot identify the MMS function that caused the failure, the first sentence states that MMS abnormally ended, and includes the system completion code and reason code. Diagnostic information for the failing function appears in the Failing Function Information section.

If the failing function was invoked by a macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP to check the macro for correct syntax and parameters.

If the failing function was invoked by a command, see z/OS MVS System Commands to check the command for correct syntax and parameters.

If the syntax and parameters for the failing command or macro are correct, provide the diagnostic data in this section to the IBM® Support Center when you report the problem.