IEF211I   jobname [procstep] stepname ddname[+ xxx] - DATA SET RESERVATION UNSUCCESSFUL


The system could not reserve a data set for a job. The type of data set requested and the problem are as follows:

  • The DD statement requested a non-VIO, temporary, direct access data set. The data set name is the same as an existing system-generated data set name.
  • The DD statement specified an alias name. After locating the real data set name in a catalog, the system found that the data set is already reserved by another user.
  • The DD statement requested a generation of a generation data group (GDG). After locating the catalog-generated name for the generation, the system found that the data set was already reserved by another user.
  • The DD statement requested all levels of a GDG. When checking the individual levels, the system found that one of the levels is already reserved by another user.
In the message text:
The name of the job.
The name of the step in the procedure.
The name of the job step.
The name of the DD statement.
+ xxx
The relative position of a data set within a concatenation of data sets, including all data sets implicitly concatenated (through GDG ALL or OPTCD=B requests). See z/OS MVS JCL User's Guide for more information on GDG ALL or OPTCD=B requests when used within a set of concatenated data sets. The first data set of a concatenation would be +000, but the value +000 is never shown.

System action

The system ends the job to avoid impacting the availability of critical system resources.

System programmer response

If the system programmer wants to allow jobs to wait for the requested resource rather than to fail, add the following statement into the ALLOCxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB: SDSN_WAIT WAITALLOC(YES). See the z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference, ALLOCxx, SDSN_WAIT for additional information on WAITALLOC([NO|YES]).

Programmer response

Change the DD statement. Resubmit the job for processing.





Routing code

11/Note 36

Descriptor code
