IEC161I (return code 124)   rc[(sfi)]-ccc,jjj, sss,ddname,dev,ser,xxx, dsname,cat


For general information about message IEC161I, see the explanation for return code 001.

Specific information for this return code: The ACB (access method control block) indicates LSR (local shared resource) or GSR (global shared resource) and the VSAM Shared Resource Table (VSRT) does not exist.

Table 1. Message IEC161I 124(sfi)-xxx SFI Reason Codes
SFI Dec Value Description
001 LSR requested but no BLDVRP previously done. (No VAT or VSRT table.
002 LSR requested but no VAT.
003 LSR requested but no VSRT table.
004 LSR requested. Update of VSRT use count failed. BLDVRP for requested sharepool not previously done.

System action

OPEN processing ends for the data set. The error flag (ACBERFLG) in the ACB (access method block) for the data set is set to 228 (X'E4').

Programmer response

The BLDVRP macro instruction has probably not been issued or a failure was detected in BLDVRP. Make sure the BLDVRP macro instruction was run correctly before trying to open the ACB with LSR or GSR specified.


IDA0192A, IDA0200T

Routing code


Descriptor code