

While the system was processing a console service request, an error occurred.

Register 15 contains a hexadecimal error code in the format xxxxyyyy. The fields in this error code are the following:
This halfword is for IBM® internal use only.
This halfword is the unique reason code identifier.
The following are the yyyy values and their meanings:
In a request to start or stop MONITOR JOBNAMES, STATUS, or SESSIONS processing, the caller passed an incorrect console name or address space identifier (ASID).
The parameter list passed was not valid.
A caller was not running in the Console address space.
The system could not process a console request because of conflicting requests in the parameter list.
The system could not process a console request because of incomplete or incorrect data in the parameter list.
The system could not process a console request because the specified console was not dedicated to the requesting component.
The system encountered an error in CommTask processing.
The SMCS logical error exit determined that there was a logical error associated with a SMCS console session.
SMCS could not initialize or a session with an LU could not be established. Message IEE052I or IEE053I has been issued with more specific information.
An unexpected condition has occurred in SMCS attempting to establish a session with an LU. Message IEE053I or IEE057I may be issued with more specific information.
A storage overlay within DIDOCS has been detected.
A storage overlay within SMCS has been detected. SMCS will continue; however, performance may be degraded.
Start of change0032End of change
Start of changeAppropriate ENQ serialization could not be obtained during system partitioning.End of change
UCME look-up error. Either the requested UCME could not be located, or the console ID supplied for the look-up was invalid.
IEEVARYD found a parameter or option that is not valid.
The CnzConv service was unable to process the request made by the caller. The caller invoked a service in AR mode with a non-zero ALET associated with the input parameter list. The service however requires that input parameter list is addressable from the primary address space.
0400 – 3FFF
These codes are for IBM internal use only, with the following exceptions:
All IXCMSGOs failed. IXCMSGO is the method by which Console services use XCF to send information to other systems in the sysplex. The failure is likely due to XCF buffer constraints on one or more systems. Check SYSLOG for message CNZ2202E that might provide additional information about the abend.
A subsystem console request was made to module IEAVG700 with a subsystem console service routine parameter list (SCSR mapped in macro IEZVG100) with a version value in field SCSVER that is no longer supported.
An unexpected return code was received from the IXCMSGO service while sending information to other systems in the sysplex.

System action

If the error occurred during MONITOR or STOPMN command processing, the MONITOR function is not changed. Otherwise, the system abnormally ends the calling routine.

The following reason codes also have their respective unique system actions:
Reason code
System action
The IEEVARYD service returns return code X'10'.
The service called is unable to process the request.

Operator response

If the error occurred during MONITOR command processing, reenter the MONITOR or STOPMN command.

For other errors (including those designated as IBM internal use only), contact the system programmer.

System programmer response

Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Start of changeBe prepared to provide any dump or issuance of message CNZ0001I that occurred around the time of the ABEND.End of change

Programmer response

The following reason codes have unique application programmer responses:
Reason code
Application programmer response
Start of change0000End of change
Start of changeCorrect the console name or address space identifier and issue the MONITOR request again.End of change
Start of change001CEnd of change
Start of changeCorrect the function request bits in the subsystem console service routine parameter list so that there are no conflicting requests and issue the subsystem console request again.End of change
Start of change0020End of change
Start of changeCorrect the subsystem console service routine parameter list data and issue the subsystem console request again.End of change
Start of change0024End of change
Start of changeCorrect the console in the subsystem console service routine parameter list and issue the request again.End of change
Start of change0038End of change
Start of changeCorrect the console ID and retry the UCME lookup.End of change
Correct the program invoking the IEEVARYD service. If the VDEV_ENQS_HELD flag (found in the IEEZB833 mapping) is being used, the code must be updated to remove this option (it is no longer supported), and to release the ENQ serialization required to bring the device online (that is, SYSIEFSD.VARYDEV and SYSIEFSD.Q4).
Correct the program that called the CNZCONV service so that the request can be successfully completed.
Update the application to use a Subsystem Console Service Routine Parameter List that is supported and set SCSVER to the current version (constant SCSVERSN as defined in IEZVG100).

Start of changeFor other errors (including those described as IBM internal use only), contact the system programmer.End of change


Console services