Making subsequent channel path connections for a coupling facility

When you make subsequent CF sender-to-CF receiver channel path connections for a coupling facility, HCD creates two coupling facility device definitions in the IODF. When you make subsequent CF peer-to-peer channel path connections for a coupling facility, HCD creates seven coupling facility device definitions in the IODF. Start of changeWhen you make subsequent InfiniBand (IFB) CF peer-to-peer channel path connections for a coupling facility, you can choose seven or thirty two coupling facility device definitions in the IODF, regardless of the number of IFB devices chosen earlier for the same control unit.End of change For both the CF sender channel path connection and the CF peer channel path connection, HCD also changes the existing coupling facility control unit definition to reflect the new channel path connection in the IODF.

Perform the following steps when you connect subsequent CF sender or CF peer channel paths:

  1. In HCD, connect a CF sender channel path to a CF receiver channel path, or connect two CF peer channel paths.
  2. Accept or change the device numbers proposed by HCD.
  3. Activate the new IODF.
  4. Install the channel path.
  5. Configure the channel path online.