ATB70022I   TP security violation. User userid not authorized to run TP tp_name, which is served by an APPC/MVS server.


APPC/MVS received an inbound request (FMH-5) to allocate a conversation with a TP that is served by an APPC/MVS server. A TP security violation occurred. The user who submitted the request is not authorized to allocate a conversation with this TP name to an APPC/MVS server.

In the message text:
The user ID specified in the FMH-5 used to pass the allocate request to MVS. Blanks appear in this field if the specified Security_type is Security_none.
The TP name specified in the FMH-5 used to pass the allocate request to MVS.

System action

The system rejects the request with a sense code of security_violation (X'080F6051') or TP_access_denied (X'080F0983'). The system does not queue the allocate request for a server.

System programmer response

At the request of the application programmer, see the section on installing APPC/MVS servers in z/OS MVS Programming: Writing Servers for APPC/MVS for information about the security profiles that protect the server. Provide the application programmer with the security information and, if necessary, ask the security administrator to grant the user access to the server.

Programmer response

Contact the system programmer to determine the required security information for the TP.

Security Administrator Response: At the request of the system programmer, update the security profile for the APPC/MVS server to allow the user to access the server.
