SYSTEM parameter

Parameter type

Keyword, optional


Indicates the systems that are eligible to process the job. The parameter indicates the system affinity represented by a system name. Up to 32 system names can be coded on the SYSTEM parameter, limited by the number of JES systems that can exist in a JESplex. A minus character (-) preceding the first system name in a list indicates that none of the systems listed are eligible for processing the job. For JES2, the default systems for a job are set via SYSAFF values that are associated with the input device. For JES3, the default system is the processor used for the job's class.

Considerations for a JES3 environment

The following parameters must be consistent with the SYSTEM or SYSAFF parameter, or JES3 will terminate the job:
  • For the CLASS parameter on the JOB or //*MAIN statement, the requested processor must be assigned to execute jobs in the specified class.
  • All devices specified on DD statement UNIT parameters must be available to the requested processor.
  • The TYPE parameter on the //*MAIN statement must specify the system running on the requested processor.
  • Dynamic support programs requested on //*PROCESS statements must be able to be executed on the requested processor.
  • If any DD statement UNIT parameter in the job specifies a device-number, either a SYSTEM or SYSAFF parameter must be coded or the JES3 //*MAIN statement must contain a SYSTEM parameter.