TS1130 tape drive

Unlike the TS1120 (3592 Model E05), which can be either encryption capable (3592-2E) or not (3592-2), the TS1130 (3592 Model E06) is always capable of encryption when used by z/OS and always reports as 3592-3E. References in this document to "encryption-capable," means that the encryption feature in the drive had been enabled and the drive is capable of encrypting. In other documents, this may be referred to as "encryption-enabled."

The TS1130 tape drive offers these features:
  • Creates tapes for archive files.
  • Optionally creates encrypted tapes.
  • Backs up and restores systems in case of system or disk storage problems.
  • Stores high-speed, high-capacity sequential application data sets.
  • Stores temporary data sets.
  • Satisfies off-site data storage for disaster recovery.
  • Provides data interchange with other systems that use 3592 Model E06 (TS1130) or 3592 Model E05 (TS1120) subsystems. The 3592 Model E06 can also read the 3592 Model J1A (EFMT1) format.
  • Supports WORM (write once, read many) tape data cartridges whose data cannot be altered.
The advantages of the TS1130 tape drive over other encryption methods, such as host-based software encryption, are that it:
  • Permits full performance of the tape device when encryption is enabled.
  • Permits encryption to be performed after compression.
  • Avoids performance penalties in the host.