CHKPT at EOV JCL Parameter

The CHKPT=EOV parameter on a DD statement requests that a checkpoint be taken for this job step at EOV for the data set whose DD has this parameter. The following restrictions apply to the use of this JCL parameter:

  1. The DD must define a QSAM or BSAM sequentially processed data set.
  2. The QSAM or BSAM sequentially processed data set must be a multivolume data set or the second, third, etc., set of a concatenated data sets.
  3. The DD statement must not define a SYSOUT data set. It can be a DD *, SUBSYS, or DD DATA type data set in a concatenation if it is after the first DD.
  4. The JCL parameters DDNAME and DYNAM cannot be specified on the same DD statement with this parameter.
  5. The DD must not define a checkpoint data set.

If restriction 1, 2, or 5 is not observed, the following will result:
  • No action, no checkpoints are taken
  • Processing continues as if the CHKPT=EOV parameter were not specified.
If restriction 3 or 4 is not observed, the following will result:
  • JCL error messages appear
  • Processing is not initiated.
An example follows:
   //        UNIT=TAPE,CHKPT=EOV


   //DD3  DD DSN=DSN3,DISP=NEW,VOL=(,,,5),
   //        UNIT=DISK,SPACE=(CYL,(300,300)),CHKPT=EOV
  • DD1 — Multivolume data set
  • DD2 — Concatenated data sets
  • DD3 — Multivolume data set on disk