Using the RACF cross-reference utility program (IRRUT100)

If you have the AUDITORStart of change, ROAUDITEnd of change or SPECIAL attribute, you can use the RACF® cross-reference utility to find and list occurrences of a user ID or group name in the RACF database.

If you have the group-AUDITOR or group-SPECIAL attribute, you can use these utilities only for a user ID or group that is within your scope of authority.

You can also process your profile or profiles that you own.


Before using the RACF cross-reference utility, you should consult with your RACF system programmer. You may need to find out:
  • How to run the utility
  • When to run the utility to reduce its impact on system operations

For more information about using this utility, see z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmer's Guide.