Input data set specification

Allowable DD names for the data sets that correspond to the input data sets are INDD1 through INDD255. The input data sets must be numbered consecutively. For example, if 25 input data sets are provided, they must be assigned DD names INDD1 through INDD25. The utility processes the input data sets until a number is omitted. You must provide at least one input data set (INDD1).

The DD name number must correspond to the position of the input data set name in the data set name table (ICHRDSNT). That is, you must assign INDD1 to the first data set, INDD2 to the second, and so on.

  • The input data sets must reside on DASD. Tape input data sets are not supported.
  • You must specify input data sets using their real names. Specifying alias names for data sets of the RACF® database is not supported in the RACF data set name table (ICHRDSNT) and is not supported for use with RACF utilities.