Using the EXEC statement

The EXEC statement is the first JCL statement of each job step or of each procedure step in a cataloged procedure. It identifies DFSORT to the operating system. You can also specify DFSORT options on the EXEC statement.

The format of the EXEC statement is:

The format of the EXEC statement

If you use a cataloged procedure (discussed in detail later in this section), specify PROC=SORT or PROC=SORTD. You can omit PROC= and simply specify SORT or SORTD. However, PROC= can remind you that a cataloged procedure is being used.

If you do not use a cataloged procedure, use PGM= either with the actual name of the sort module (ICEMAN) or with one of its aliases: SORT, IERRCO00, or IGHRCO00. Be sure that the alias has not been changed at your site.