VERIFY example

    VERIFY FROM(NEW) ON(22,16,PD) ON(7,9,ZD)

The first VERIFY operator checks for invalid digits (A-F) and invalid signs (0-9) in the packed decimal values from positions 22-37 and the zoned decimal values from positions 7-15 of the NEW data set. A message is printed identifying each value (if any) that contains an invalid digit or sign. If 200 invalid values are found, the operation is terminated.

The second VERIFY operator checks for invalid digits (A-F) in the packed decimal values from positions 22-37 and the zoned decimal values from positions 7-15 of the NEW data set. A message is printed identifying each value (if any) that contains an invalid digit. If 10 invalid values are found, the operation is terminated.

Note: The DISPLAY operator can be used to print a report identifying the relative record number, hexadecimal value, and associated fields for each invalid (and valid) decimal value, as shown in Example 9 under DISPLAY operator.