Major call 2

At this call, your EFS program can examine, alter, or ignore control statements before DFSORT processes them, and provide user-written messages to the message data set. DFSORT calls your EFS program once for each control statement or EXEC PARM you request.

At Major Call 2, DFSORT supplies your EFS program with fields in the EFS interface containing:
  • An action code indicating that Major Call 2 is in effect
  • The original control statement or EXEC PARM option requested by the EFS program
  • The length of the original control statement or EXEC PARM option
  • Informational flags that describe current processing
  • An EFS Program Context area (a private communication area for the EFS program).
When the EFS program returns control to DFSORT, it can supply fields in the EFS interface containing:
  • A modified version of the control statement or EXEC PARM option sent by DFSORT to the EFS program. If you plan to sort or merge user-defined data types, or include or omit user-defined data types, your EFS program must return new formats for the SORT/MERGE or INCLUDE/OMIT control statements. These new formats (D1 and D2) signal DFSORT to call the EFS01 and EFS02 exit routines you included with your EFS program.
    Note: OUTFIL statements cannot be passed to an EFS program or returned from an EFS program to be parsed.
  • The length of the altered control statement or EXEC PARM option.
  • Informational flags signaling DFSORT whether to parse or ignore the control statement or EXEC PARM option.
  • A list of messages for DFSORT to print to the message data set.
  • A return code (in general register 15).