Example 9

        OUTREC=(1,14, copy positions 1-14
           15,6,Y2T,  transform yy to yyyy - allow blanks
           21,20)     copy positions 21 - 40

This example illustrates how to transform an existing data set with a character date field of the form C'yymmdd' and blank special indicators in bytes 15-20, into a new date set with a character date field of the form C'yyyymmdd' and blank special indicators in bytes 15-22.

The input data set has an LRECL of 40 and the SPCL data set will have an LRECL of 42.

The Y2PAST=1996 option sets the century window to 1996-2095. The century window will be used to transform the two-digit years into four-digit years, but will not be used for the special blank indicators.

The input records might be as follows:
MORGAN HILL                   CA
SAN JOSE             960512   CA
BOCA RATON           000628   FL
DENVER               951115   CO
The output records would be as follows:
MORGAN HILL                     CA
SAN JOSE             19960512   CA
BOCA RATON           20000628   FL
DENVER               20951115   CO