Example 7

     TITLE('Parts Completion Report for USA') DATE -
     HEADER('Part')  HEADER('Completed')  HEADER('Value ($)') -
     ON(15,6,CH)     ON(3,4,ZD,A1)        ON(38,8,ZD,C1) -
     TITLE('Parts Completion Report for France') DATE(DM4/) -
     HEADER('Part')  HEADER('Completed')  HEADER('Value (F)') -
     ON(15,6,CH)     ON(3,4,ZD,A3)        ON(38,8,ZD,C3) -
     TITLE('Parts Completion Report for Denmark') DATE(DMY-) -
     HEADER('Part')  HEADER('Completed')  HEADER('Value (kr)') -
     ON(15,6,CH)     ON(3,4,ZD,A2)        ON(38,8,ZD,C2) -

This example shows how reports for three different countries can be produced. The reports differ only in the way that date and numeric values are displayed.

Assume that the SRT1CNTL data set contains:

The SORT operator sorts the PARTS data set to the TEMP data set using the SORT statement in SRT1CNTL.

The first DISPLAY operator uses the sorted records in the TEMP data set to print, in the USA data set:
  • A title line containing the specified title and the date in the format commonly used in the United States
  • A heading line containing the specified underlined headings
  • Data lines containing:
    • The characters from positions 15-20
    • The zoned decimal values from positions 3-6 formatted with the separators commonly used in the United States
    • The zoned decimal values from positions 38-45 formatted with two decimal places and the separators and decimal point commonly used in the United States.
  • A TOTAL line containing the specified string and the total for each of the two zoned decimal fields formatted in the same way as the data values.
The second DISPLAY operator uses the sorted records in the TEMP data set to print, in the FRANCE data set:
  • A title line containing the specified title and the date in the format commonly used in France
  • A heading line containing the specified underlined headings
  • Data lines containing:
    • The characters from positions 15-20
    • The zoned decimal values from positions 3-6 formatted with the separators commonly used in France
    • The zoned decimal values from positions 38-45 formatted with two decimal places and the separators and decimal point commonly used in France.
  • A TOTAL line containing the specified string and the total for each of the two zoned decimal fields formatted in the same way as the data values.
The third DISPLAY operator uses the sorted records in the TEMP data set to print, in the DENMARK data set:
  • A title line containing the specified title and the date in the format commonly used in Denmark
  • A heading line containing the specified underlined headings
  • Data lines containing:
    • The characters from positions 15-20
    • The zoned decimal values from positions 3-6 formatted with the separators commonly used in Denmark
    • The zoned decimal values from positions 38-45 formatted with two decimal places and the separators and decimal point commonly used in Denmark.
  • A TOTAL line containing the specified string and the total for each of the two zoned decimal fields formatted in the same way as the data values.

The USA output starts on a new page and looks as follows (several records are shown with illustrative values):

Parts Completion Report for USA        01/14/05

Part                Completed               Value ($)
------   --------------------   ---------------------
000310                    562                8,317.53
001184                  1,234               23,456.78
029633                     35                  642.10
192199                  3,150              121,934.65
821356                    233                2,212.34

Total:                  5,214              156,563.40

The title line and underlined heading line appear at the top of each page.

The FRANCE output starts on a new page and looks as follows (several record are shown with illustrative values):

Parts Completion Report for France        14/01/2005

Part                Completed               Value (F)
------   --------------------   ---------------------
000310                    562                8 317,53
001184                  1 234               23 456,78
029633                     35                  642,10
192199                  3 150              121 934,65
821356                    233                2 212,34

Total:                  5 214              156 563,40

The title line and underlined heading line appear at the top of each page.

The DENMARK output starts on a new page and looks as follows (several records are shown with illustrative values):

Parts Completion Report for Denmark        14-01-05

Part                Completed              Value (kr)
------   --------------------   ---------------------
000310                    562                8.317,53
001184                  1.234               23.456,78
029633                     35                  642,10
192199                  3.150              121.934,65
821356                    233                2.212,34

Total:                  5.214              156.563,40

The title line and underlined heading line appear at the top of each page.