Example 3

     HEADER2=(5:'Parts Completion Report for USA',2/,
              5:'Printed on ',DATE,
                ' at ',TIME=(12:),3/,
              5:'Part  ',20:'Completed',35:'   Value ($)',/,
     HEADER2=(5:'Parts Completion Report for France',2/,
              5:'Printed on ',DATE=(DM4/),
                ' at ',TIME,3/,
              5:'Part  ',20:'Completed',35:'   Value (F)',/,
     HEADER2=(5:'Parts Completion Report for Denmark',2/,
              5:'Printed on ',DATE=(DMY-),
                ' at ',TIME=(24.),3/,
              5:'Part  ',20:'Completed',35:'  Value (kr)',/,
This example illustrates how reports for three different countries can be produced from sorted fixed-length input records. The reports differ only in the way that date, time, and numeric formats are specified:
  1. The first OUTFIL statement produces a report that has the date, time, and numeric formats commonly used in the United States.
  2. The second OUTFIL statement produces a report that has the date, time, and numeric formats commonly used in France.
  3. The third OUTFIL statement produces a report that has the date, time, and numeric formats commonly used in Denmark.

Of course, any one of the three reports can be produced by itself using a single OUTFIL statement instead of three OUTFIL statements. (This may be necessary if you are sorting character data according to a specified locale for that country.)

The FNAMES parameter specifies the ddname (USA, FRANCE, DENMARK) associated with the fixed-length data set for that report.

The HEADER2 parameter specifies the page header to appear at the top of each page for that report, which will consist of:
  • A line of text identifying the report. Note that all English text in the report can be replaced by text in the language of that country.
  • A blank line (2/).
  • A line of text showing the date and time. Note that variations of the DATE, DATE=(abcd), TIME, and TIME=(abc) operands are used to specify the date and time in the format commonly used in that country.
  • Two blank lines (3/).
  • Two lines of text showing headings for the columns of data. Note that the appropriate currency symbol can be included in the text.
The OUTREC parameter specifies the three columns of data to appear for each input record as follows:
  • A 6-byte edited numeric value produced by transforming the ZD value in bytes 15 through 20 according to the pattern specified by M11. M11 is a pattern for showing integers with leading zeros.
  • A 9-byte (LENGTH=9) edited numeric value produced by transforming the ZD value in bytes 3 through 6 according to the pattern for integer values with thousands separators commonly used in that country. M12 uses a comma for the thousands separator. M16 uses a blank for the thousands separator. M13 uses a period for the thousands separator.
  • A 12-byte (LENGTH=12) edited numeric value produced by transforming the ZD value in bytes 38 through 45 according to the pattern for decimal values with thousands separators and decimal separators commonly used in that country. M18 uses a comma for the thousands separator and a period for the decimal separator. M22 uses a blank for the thousands separator and a comma for the decimal separator. M19 uses a period for the thousands separator and a comma for the decimal separator.

Table 8 shows the twenty-seven pre-defined edit masks (M0-M26) from which you can choose.

132:X is used at the end of the OUTREC parameter to ensure that the data records are longer than the report records. This will result in an LRECL of 132 for the fixed-length OUTFIL data sets (1 byte for the ANSI control character and 131 bytes for the data).

The three reports might look as follows:

    Parts Completion Report for USA

    Printed on 03/25/05 at 01:56:20 pm

    Part           Completed         Value ($)
    ------         ---------      ------------
    000310               562          8,317.53
    001184             1,234         23,456.78
    029633                35            642.10
    192199             3,150        121,934.65
    821356               233          2,212.34
    Parts Completion Report for France

    Printed on 25/03/2005 at 13:56:20

    Part           Completed         Value (F)
    ------         ---------      ------------
    000310               562          8 317,53
    001184             1 234         23 456,78
    029633                35            642,10
    192199             3 150        121 934,65
    821356               233          2 212,34
    Parts Completion Report for Denmark

    Printed on 25-03-05 at 13.56.20

    Part           Completed        Value (kr)
    ------         ---------      ------------
    000310               562          8.317,53
    001184             1.234         23.456,78
    029633                35            642,10
    192199             3.150        121.934,65
    821356               233          2.212,34