Example 2

       TITLE('   3090 Distribution   ') -
       PAGE -
       HEADER('Data Centers')  ON(VALCNT) -
       HEADER('State') ON(1,16,CH) -
       HEADER('3090s') ON(25,3,PD) -
Prints, in the LIST1 data set:
  • A title line containing the specified title and the page number
  • A heading line containing the specified underlined headings
  • A data line for each unique ON(1,16,CH) and ON(25,3,PD) value in the BLANK format containing:
    • The count of occurrences in the IN data set of the unique value
    • The characters from positions 1-16 of the IN data set for the unique value
    • The packed decimal values from positions 25-27 of the IN data set for the unique value

The LIST1 output starts on a new page and looks as follows (the first 2 records are shown with illustrative values):

    3090 Distribution           - 1 -

    Data Centers   State               3090s
 ---------------   ----------------   ------
              12   Alabama                 1
               6   Alabama                 2
               .   .                       .
               .   .                       .
               .   .                       .

The title line and underlined heading line appear at the top of each page.