Description of JPn"string"

Only JP0 through JP9 can be used for a symbol name where 'JP' must be uppercase EBCDIC (X'D1D7') and n must be '0'-'9' (X'F0'-X'F9').

A quote must appear before and after the string. A quote must not appear within the string (it would be interpreted as the ending quote). PARM='...,JPn"string' (a missing ending quote) will be interpreted as PARM='...,JPn"string"'.

If the keyword does not appear as JPn"string", it will not be used as a JPn symbol. For example, JP1"ABC" would be used as a JP1 symbol, but JP1="ABC", JP1("ABC"), JP1=("ABC") or jp1"ABC" would not.

Any or all of the following can appear in the string:
  • any EBCDIC character (except quote). If you want to include a single apostrophe in the character string, you must specify it as two single apostrophes
  • a JCL SET or PROC symbol (&SYMBOL). Normal system rules for SET and PROC symbols apply.
  • a system symbol (for example, &JOBNAME, &SYSPLEX, etc). Normal system rules for system symbols apply.
The symbol will be constructed as:

and must conform to the rules for a system symbol string as documented earlier in this Chapter.

If you specify:

the JPn symbols will be listed along with any other DFSORT symbols you specify in SYMNAMES.

If you specify a SYMNAMES data set, the JPn symbols will be processed before the first SYMNAMES symbol.

Note: Here is an example of one suggested way of specifying multiple options in EXEC PARM:
//  PARM=('RESALL=12K',
//   'VLLONG',
//   'JP1"&X1"', 
//   'JP2"&X2"')