Displaying NSS client information

Use the NssStackConfig statement to configure a stack as an NSS client. Use the -w primary option on the ipsec command to determine which active stacks are configured as NSS clients, as well as their current status.

ipsec -w display

CS V1R12 ipsec  NSS Client Name: n/a  Tue Feb 16 12:14:24 2010
Primary:  Stack NSS       Function: Display            Format:   Detail
Source:   IKED            Scope:    n/a                TotAvail: 3
SystemName: MVS175

StackName:                       TCPCS
ClientName:                      n/a
ClientAPIVersion:                n/a
ServerAPIVersion:                n/a
NSServicesSupported:             No
RemoteManagementSelected:        No
RemoteManagementEnabled:         n/a
CertificateServicesSelected:     No
CertificateServicesEnabled:      n/a
NSClientIPAddress:               n/a
NSClientPort:                    n/a
NSServerIPAddress:               n/a
NSServerPort:                    n/a
NSServerSystemName:              n/a
UserID:                          n/a
ConnectionState:                 n/a
TimeConnectedToNSServer:         n/a
TimeOfLastMessageToNSServer:     n/a
StackName:                       TCPCS4
ClientName:                      Client4
ClientAPIVersion:                4
ServerAPIVersion:                4
NSServicesSupported:             Yes
RemoteManagementSelected:        Yes
RemoteManagementEnabled:         Yes
CertificateServicesSelected:     Yes
CertificateServicesEnabled:      Yes
NSClientPort:                    50008
NSServerPort:                    4159
NSServerSystemName:              MVS175
UserID:                          USER1
ConnectionState:                 connected
TimeConnectedToNSServer:         2010/02/16 12:12:42
TimeOfLastMessageToNSServer:     2010/02/16 12:12:45
StackName:                       TCPCS5
ClientName:                      V1RCIPSECREG_TCPCS5_SGWR
ClientAPIVersion:                4
ServerAPIVersion:                4
NSServicesSupported:             Yes
RemoteManagementSelected:        Yes
RemoteManagementEnabled:         Yes
CertificateServicesSelected:     Yes
CertificateServicesEnabled:      Yes
NSClientPort:                    50000
NSServerPort:                    4159
NSServerSystemName:              MVS175
UserID:                          USER1
ConnectionState:                 connected
TimeConnectedToNSServer:         2010/02/16 12:11:59
TimeOfLastMessageToNSServer:     2010/02/16 12:11:59

3 entries selected

For complete details about the ipsec command, see z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands.