TCP port scans

Because TCP is a stateful protocol, many different events might be classified as normal, possibly suspicious, or very suspicious. The identified conditions are listed in Table 1. You can use the RESERVED keyword on the PORT or PORTRANGE statement in the TCP/IP profile to prohibit the use of a TCP port. You can also limit event generation to specific port ranges and destination IP addresses. TCP port scans apply to IPv4 and IPv6. Events are classified by the first matching entry in Table 1:

Table 1. TCP port event classification
Socket state Event Event classification
Any state Receive unexpected flags (for example, SYN+FIN) Very suspicious
Any state Receive standalone SYN that is denied by IP security filtering Possibly suspicious
Use prohibited by RESERVED keyword Receive standalone SYN Very suspicious
Unbound, use not prohibited Receive standalone SYN Possibly suspicious; application could be temporarily down
Listen Receive standalone SYN that is denied by Quality of Service (QoS) policy Normal
Listen Receive standalone SYN No event (classification deferred)
Half open connection Receive ACK Normal; connection handshake completed
Half open connection Receive duplicate SYN Normal; perhaps duplicate packet
Half open connection Receive RST Possibly suspicious; peer covering tracks
Half open connection Final time out Very suspicious; peer abandoned handshake
Any connected state Seq# out of window Normal; perhaps duplicate packet
Any connected state Receive standalone SYN Normal; perhaps peer reboot
Any connected state Final timeout Possibly suspicious; peer abandoned connection