LUMAP statement

Use the optional LUMAP mapping statement to define the mapping of an LU or group of LU objects to a Client Identifier.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
          '-lu_group_name-'  '-clid_type,Client_Identifier-'   


   '-DEFAPPL -application_name--+-----------+--+---------+--+---------+-'   
                                '-FIRSTONLY-'  +-LOGAPPL-+  '-DEFONLY-'     

   '-PMAP  --parms_group_name-'  '-KEEPOPEN-'   



The name of the terminal LU.
The group name that contains the terminal LUs.
Specifies the type of Client Identifier. It is required if USERID or DESTIP are specified. See Rules for client identifier specification for details.
One of several client identifiers. See Client identifier types and definitions for details.
Indicates that the LU or LUGROUP is checked for Generic connection requests. Generic mapping statements also support Specific connection requests if there is no LU or LUGROUP mapped specifically to the client.
Indicates that the LU or LUGROUP is checked for Specific connection requests. Specific mapping statements are not used for Generic connection requests.
DEFAPPL application_name
Specifying DEFAPPL indicates the initial application to which Telnet connects. The application_name can be network qualified in the format of a 1- to 8-character name of the network separated by a period (.), followed by a 1- to 8-character application name.
When FIRSTONLY is specified, a solicitor or USSMSG10 screen is sent to the client after logoff from a default session when LUSESSIONPEND is coded. When FIRSTONLY is not specified, Telnet always requests a new session to the default application after logoff from the session when LUSESSIONPEND is coded. If LUSESSIONPEND is not coded, the connection is dropped.
When LOGAPPL is specified, a session request to a host application that is not active is queued in VTAM® instead of rejected. Telnet keeps the ACB open for the LU representing the client. When the application becomes active, VTAM initiates a session between the application and the Telnet LU.
Indicates that session requests should be queued, and when logging off the default application, Telnet should redrive the default application instead of issuing a USSMSG10 or Solicitor screen.
When DEFONLY is specified, the client is blocked from specifying any application name other than the one specified on the default application statement.
PMAP parms_group_name
Maps a ParmsGroup to an LU group. With this, parameters can be assigned based on the chosen LU name or group.
Specifying KEEPOPEN means that all LUs identified in the lu_group_name or the LU identified by lu_name always have an OPEN ACB as long as the connection exists, whether or not a session exists. When KEEPOPEN is mapped to a connection, the MSG07 and LUSESSIONPEND functions are in effect whether or not they were explicitly coded.
The name of an associated printer LU. Printer association requires a one-to-one match. A single LU name or an LUGROUP with a single LU must be specified when prt_name is used.
The group that contains the printer LUs. Printer association requires a one-to-one match. The number of single names in the print group must equal the number of single names in the LUGROUP. The number of ranges and the number of LUs in each range must also match. The group cannot be defined as an LU exit.

Usage notes