TCP/IP statistics record (subtype 5)

The TCP/IP statistics record is collected at user-specified intervals. The record provides data about IP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP activity in the reporting TCP stack during the previous recording interval, including TCP activity for Shared Memory Communications over Remote Direct Memory Access (SMC-R) processing. For those fields that provide an interval value, the cumulative value for each statistic reported can be obtained by adding the values reported for the statistic in the individual TCP/IP statistics interval records. Other fields provide the current value of a statistic and are not interval values. If TCP/IP statistics recording is turned off dynamically, or the TCP stack terminates, a final TCP/IP statistics record is generated to report close-out statistics.

The Type 119 TCP/IP statistics record is generated using the same user specified interval time value as the equivalent Type 118 TCPIPSTATISTICS record.

See Table 1 for the contents of the TCP/IP stack identification section. For the TCP/IP statistics record, the TCP/IP stack identification section indicates STACK as the subcomponent and X'08' (event record), X'20' (recording stop), or X'10' (recording shutdown) as the record reason.

Table 1 shows the TCP/IP statistics record self-defining section:
Table 1. SMF records: TCP/IP statistics record self-defining section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') Standard SMF Header 24   Standard SMF header; subtype is 5(X'5')
Self-defining section
24(X'5') SMF119SD_TRN 2 Binary Number of triplets in this record (7)
26(X'1A')   2 Binary Reserved
28(X'1C') SMF119IDOff 4 Binary Offset to TCP/IP identification section
32(X'20') SMF119IDLen 2 Binary Length of TCP/IP identification section
34(X'22') SMF119IDNum 2 Binary Number of TCP/IP identification sections
36(X'24') SMF119S1Off 4 Binary Offset to IPv4 IP statistics section
40(X'28') SMF119S1Len 2 Binary Length of IPv4 IP statistics section
42(X'2A') SMF119S1Num 2 Binary Number of IPv4 IP statistics sections
44(X'2C') SMF119S2Off 4 Binary Offset to TCP statistics section
48(X'30') SMF119S2Len 2 Binary Length of TCP statistics section
50(X'32') SMF119S2Num 2 Binary Number of TCP statistics sections
52(X'34') SMF119S3Off 4 Binary Offset to UDP statistics section
56(X'38') SMF119S3Len 2 Binary Length of UDP statistics section
58(X'3A') SMF119S3Num 2 Binary Number of UDP statistics sections
60(X'3C') SMF119S4Off 4 Binary Offset to IPv4 ICMP statistics section
64(X'40') SMF119S4Len 2 Binary Length of IPv4 ICMP statistics section
66(X'42') SMF119S4Num 2 Binary Number of IPv4 ICMP statistics sections
68 (X'44') SMF119S5Off 4 Binary Offset to IPv6 IP statistics section
72 (X'48') SMF119S5Len 2 Binary Length of IPv6 IP statistics section
74 (X'4A') SMF119S5Num 2 Binary Number of IPv6 IP statistics sections
76 (X'4C') SMF119S6Off 4 Binary Offset to IPv6 ICMP statistics section
80 (X'50') SMF119S6Len 2 Binary Length of IPv6 ICMP statistics section
82 (X'52') SMF119S6Num 2 Binary Number of IPv6 ICMP statistics sections
84 (X'54') SMF119S7Off 4 Binary Offset to storage statistics section
88 (X'58') SMF119S7Len 2 Binary Length of storage statistics section
90 (X'5A') SMF119S7Num 2 Binary Number of storage statistics sections
Table 2 shows the IP statistics section:
Table 2. IP statistics section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') SMF119AP_TSIPDuration 8 Binary Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to one microsecond
8(X'8') SMF119AP_TSIPRecData 4 Binary Number of datagrams received
12(X'C') SMF119AP_TSIPDscData 4 Binary Number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers
16(X'10') SMF119AP_TSIPDscDAddr 4 Binary Number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not valid
20(X'14') SMF119AP_TSIPAttFwdData 4 Binary Number of attempts to forward datagrams
24(X'18') SMF119AP_TSIPDscDUnkPr 4 Binary Number of datagrams discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol
28(X'1C') SMF119AP_TSIPDscDOth 4 Binary Number of input datagrams discarded that are not accounted for in another input discard counter
32(X'20') SMF119AP_TSIPDlvData 4 Binary Number of datagrams delivered
36(X'24') SMF119AP_TSIPXData 4 Binary Number of datagrams transmitted
40(X'28') SMF119AP_TSIPXDscOth 4 Binary Number of outbound transmitted datagrams discarded, due to reasons other than no route being available
44(X'2C') SMF119AP_TSIPXDscRoute 4 Binary Number of outbound transmitted datagrams discarded, due to no route being available
48(X'30') SMF119AP_TSIPTimeouts 4 Binary Number of reassembly timeouts
52(X'34') SMF119AP_TSIPRecDRsbm 4 Binary Number of received datagrams requiring assembly
56(X'38') SMF119AP_TSIPRsmb 4 Binary Number of datagrams reassembled
60(X'3C') SMF119AP_TSIPFailRsmb 4 Binary Number of failed reassembly attempts
64(X'40') SMF119AP_TSIPRecFgmt 4 Binary Number of fragmented datagrams received
68(X'44') SMF119AP_TSIPDscDFgmt 4 Binary Number of discarded datagrams due to fragmentation failures
72(X'48') SMF119AP_TSIPXFgmt 4 Binary Number of fragments generated
76(X'4C') SMF119AP_TSIPRouteDisc 4 Binary Number of routing discards
80(X'50') SMF119AP_TSIPMaxRsmb 4 Binary Maximum active number of reassemblies
84(X'54') SMF119AP_TSIPCurRsmb 4 Binary Number of currently active reassemblies
88(X'58') SMF119AP_TSIPRsmbFlags 4 Binary Reassembly flags
92(X'5C') SMF119AP_TSIPInCalls 4 Binary Number of inbound calls from device layer
96(X'60') SMF119AP_TSIPInUerrs 4 Binary Number of received frame unpacking
100(X'64') SMF119AP_TSIPIDMem 4 Binary Number of discarded datagrams, due to memory shortages
104(X'68') SMF119AP_TSIPODSync 4 Binary Number of transmitted datagrams discarded, due to Sync errors
108(X'6C') SMF119AP_TSIPODAsyn 4 Binary Number of transmitted datagrams discarded, due to Async errors
112(X'70') SMF119AP_TSIPODMem 4 Binary Number of transmitted datagrams discarded due to memory shortages
Table 3 shows the TCP statistics section:
Table 3. TCP statistics section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') SMF119AP_TSTCDuration 8 Binary Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to one microsecond
8(X'8') SMF119AP_TSTCAlg 4 Binary Retransmission algorithm
12(X'C') SMF119AP_TSTCMinRet 4 Binary Minimum retransmission time, in milliseconds
16(X'10') SMF119AP_TSTCMxRet 4 Binary Maximum retransmission time, in milliseconds
20(X'14') SMF119AP_TSTCMxCon 4 Binary Maximum TCP connections
24(X'18') SMF119AP_TSTCOpenConn 4 Binary Number of active open connections, including active open connections across SMC-R links
28(X'1C') SMF119AP_TSTCPassConn 4 Binary Number of passive open connections, including passive open connections across SMC-R links
32(X'20') SMF119AP_TSTCOFails 4 Binary Number of open connection failures
36(X'24') SMF119AP_TSTCConReset 4 Binary Number of connection resets, including resets for connections across SMC-R links
40(X'28') SMF119AP_TSTCEstab 4 Binary Number of current establishments, including establishments for connections across SMC-R links
44(X'2C') SMF119AP_TSTCInSegs 4 Binary Number of input TCP segments, including input TCP segments for connections across SMC-R links
48(X'30') SMF119AP_TSTCOSegs 4 Binary Number of output TCP segments, including output TCP segments for connections across SMC-R links
52(X'34') SMF119AP_TSTCRxSegs 4 Binary Number of retransmitted segments
56(X'38') SMF119AP_TSTCInErrs 4 Binary Number of input errors
60(X'3C') SMF119AP_TSTCReset 4 Binary Number of resets sent, including resets for connections across SMC-R links
64(X'40') SMF119AP_TSTCConCls 4 Binary Number of TCP connections closed, including connections across SMC-R links
68(X'44') SMF119AP_TSTCConAttD 4 Binary Number of TCP connection attempts discarded
72(X'48') SMF119AP_TSTCTWRef 4 Binary Number of TCP Timewait connections assassinated
76(X'4C') SMF119AP_TSTCHOKAck 4 Binary Number of header predictions (OK for ACK)
80(X'50') SMF119AP_TSTCHOKDat 4 Binary Number of header predictions (OK for Data)
84(X'54') SMF119AP_TSTCIDupAck 4 Binary Number of duplicate ACKs received
88(X'58') SMF119AP_TSTCDscChecksum 4 Binary Number of received packets discarded due to bad checksum values
92(X'5C') SMF119AP_TSTCDscLen 4 Binary Number of received packets discarded due to bad header length
96(X'60') SMF119AP_TSTCDscInsData 4 Binary Number of received packets discarded due to insufficient data
100(X'64') SMF119AP_TSTCDscOldTime 4 Binary Number of received packets discarded due to old timestamp information
104(X'68') SMF119AP_TSTCICmpDupSeg 4 Binary Number of received complete duplicate segments
108(X'6C') SMF119AP_TSTCIPartDupSeg 4 Binary Number of received partial duplicate segments
112(X'70') SMF119AP_TSTCICmpSegsWin 4 Binary Number of complete segments received after window closure
116(X'74') SMF119AP_TSTCIPartSegsWin 4 Binary Number of partial segments received after window closure
120(X'78') SMF119AP_TSTCIOOrder 4 Binary Number of out-of-order segments received
124(X'7C') SMF119AP_TSTCISegCls 4 Binary Number of segments received after the TCP connection closed
128(X'80') SMF119AP_TSTCIWinPr 4 Binary Number of received window probes
132(X'84') SMF119AP_TSTCIWinUp 4 Binary Number of received window updates
136(X'88') SMF119AP_TSTCOWinPr 4 Binary Number of transmitted window probes
140(X'8C') SMF119AP_TSTCOWinUp 4 Binary Number of transmitted window updates
144(X'90') SMF119AP_TSTCODlAck 4 Binary Number of transmitted delayed ACKs
148(X'94') SMF119AP_TSTCOKApr 4 Binary Number of transmitted keepalive probes, including keepalive probes sent on the TCP path for connections across SMC-R links
152(X'98') SMF119AP_TSTCRxTim 4 Binary Number of retransmitted timeouts
156(X'9C') SMF119AP_TSTCRxMTU 4 Binary Number of retransmitted Path MTU discovery packets
160(X'A0') SMF119AP_TSTCPathM 4 Binary Number of Path MTUs beyond retransmit limit
164(X'A4') SMF119AP_TSTCDropPr 4 Binary Number of TCP connections dropped due to probes
168(X'A8') SMF119AP_TSTCDropKA 4 Binary Number of TCP connections dropped by KeepAlive, including connections across SMC-R links
172(X'AC') SMF119AP_TSTCDropF2 4 Binary Number of TCP connections dropped because the FINWAIT2 timer expired before receiving FIN segments, including connections across SMC-R links
176(X'B0') SMF119AP_TSTCDropRx 4 Binary Number of TCP connections dropped due to retransmits
180(X'B4') SMF119AP_TSTCEphPortExh 4 Binary Number of bind() requests that failed because no TCP ephemeral ports were available
184(X'B8') SMF119AP_TSTCEphPortAvail 2 Binary Number of available TCP ephemeral ports
186(X'BA') SMF119AP_TSTCEphPortInUse 2 Binary Number of TCP ephemeral ports currently in use
188(X'BC') SMF119AP_TSTCEphPortMxUse 2 Binary Maximum number of TCP ephemeral ports that are used
190(X'BE') SMF119AP_TSrsvd1 2 Binary Reserved
192(X'C0') SMF119AP_TSSMCRCurrEstabLnks 4 Binary Number of current active SMC-R links
196(X'C4') SMF119AP_TSSMCRLnkActTimeOut 4 Binary Number of SMC-R link activation attempts for which a timeout occurred
200(X'C8') SMF119AP_TSSMCRActLnkOpened 4 Binary Number of active SMC-R links that have been opened
204(X'CC') SMF119AP_TSSMCRPasLnkOpened 4 Binary Number of passive SMC-R links that have been opened
208(X'D0') SMF119AP_TSSMCRLnksClosed 4 Binary Number of SMC-R links that have been closed
212(X'D4') SMF119AP_TSSMCRCurrEstab 4 Binary Current number of TCP connections that are across SMC-R links
216(X'D8') SMF119AP_TSSMCRActiveOpened 4 Binary Number of active TCP connections that have been opened across SMC-R links
220(X'DC') SMF119AP_TSSMCRPassiveOpened 4 Binary Number of passive TCP connections that have been opened across SMC-R links
224(X'E0') SMF119AP_TSSMCRConnClosed 4 Binary Number of closed TCP connections that were across SMC-R links
228(X'E4') SMF119AP_TSrsvd2 4 Binary Reserved
232(X'E8') SMF119AP_TSSMCRInSegs 8 Binary Number of SMC-R inbound write operations
240(X'F0') SMF119AP_TSSMCROutSegs 8 Binary Number of SMC-R outbound write operations
248(X'F8') SMF119AP_TSSMCRInRsts 4 Binary Number of SMC-R inbound write operations that contained the abnormal close flag
252(X'FC') SMF119AP_TSSMCROutRsts 4 Binary Number of SMC-R outbound write operations that contained the abnormal close flag
Table 4 shows the UDP statistics section:
Table 4. UDP statistics section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') SMF119AP_TSUDDuration 8 Binary Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to one microsecond
8(X'8') SMF119AP_TSUDRecData 8 Binary Number of UDP datagrams received
16(X'10') SMF119AP_TSUDRecNoPort 4 Binary Number of UDP datagrams received with no port defined
20(X'14') SMF119AP_TSUDNoRec 4 Binary Number of other UDP datagrams not received
24(X'18') SMF119AP_TSUDXmtData 8 Binary Number of UDP datagrams sent
32(X'20') SMF119AP_TSUDEphPortExh 4 Binary Number of bind() requests that failed because no UDP ephemeral ports were available
36(X'24') SMF119AP_TSUDEphPortAvail 2 Binary Number of available UDP ephemeral ports
38(X'26') SMF119AP_TSUDEphPortInUse 2 Binary Number of UDP ephemeral ports currently in use
40(X'28') SMF119AP_TSUDEphPortMxUse 2 Binary Maximum number of UDP ephemeral ports that are used
Table 5 shows the ICMP statistics section:
Table 5. ICMP statistics section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') SMF119AP_TSICDuration 8 Binary Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to one microsecond
8(X'8') SMF119AP_TSICInMsg 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP messages
12(X'C') SMF119AP_TSICInError 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP error messages
16(X'10') SMF119AP_TSICInDstUnreach 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP destination unreachable messages
20(X'14') SMF119AP_TSICInTimeExcd 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP time exceeded messages
24(X'18') SMF119AP_TSICInParmProb 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP parameter problem messages
28(X'1C') SMF119AP_TSICInSrcQuench 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP source quench messages
32(X'20') SMF119AP_TSICInRedirect 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP redirect messages
36(X'24') SMF119AP_TSICInEcho 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP echo request messages
40(X'28') SMF119AP_TSICInEchoRep 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP echo reply messages
44(X'2C') SMF119AP_TSICInTstamp 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP timestamp request messages
48(X'30') SMF119AP_TSICInTstampRep 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP timestamp reply messages
52(X'34') SMF119AP_TSICInAddrMask 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP address mask request messages
56(X'38') SMF119AP_TSICInAddrMRep 4 Binary Number of inbound ICMP address mask reply messages
60(X'3C') SMF119AP_TSICOutMsg 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP messages
64(X'40') SMF119AP_TSICOutError 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP error messages
68(X'44') SMF119AP_TSICOutDstUnreach 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP destination unreachable messages
72(X'48') SMF119AP_TSICOutTimeExcd 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP time exceeded messages
76(X'4C') SMF119AP_TSICOutParmProb 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP parameter problem messages
80(X'50') SMF119AP_TSICOutSrcQuench 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP source quench messages
84(X'54') SMF119AP_TSICOutRedirect 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP redirect messages
88(X'58') SMF119AP_TSICOutEcho 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP echo request messages
92(X'5C') SMF119AP_TSICOutEchoRep 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP echo reply messages
96(X'60') SMF119AP_TSICOutTstamp 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP timestamp request messages
100(X'64') SMF119AP_TSICOutTstampRep 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP timestamp reply messages
104(X'68') SMF119AP_TSICOutAddrMask 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP address mask request messages
108(X'6C') SMF119AP_TSICOutAddrMRep 4 Binary Number of outbound ICMP address mask reply messages
Table 6 shows the IPv6 IP statistics section:
Table 6. IPv6 IP statistics section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0 (X'00') SMF119AP_TSP6Duration 8 Binary Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to one microsecond
8(X'08') SMF119AP_TSP6RecData 4 Binary Number of IPv6 datagrams received
12(X'0C') SMF119AP_TSP6DscData 4 Binary Number of input IPv6 datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP header
16(X'10') SMF119AP_TSP6DscAddr 4 Binary Number of input IPv6 datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not valid
20(X'14') SMF119AP_TSP6AttFwdData 4 Binary Number of attempts to forward IPv6 datagrams
24(X'18') SMF119AP_TSP6DscDUnkPr 4 Binary Number of IPv6 datagrams discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol
28(X'1C') SMF119AP_TSP6DscDOth 4 Binary Number of input IPv6 datagrams discarded that are not accounted for in another input discard counter
32(X'20') SMF119AP_TSP6DlvData 4 Binary Number of IPv6 datagrams delivered
36(X'24') SMF119AP_TSP6XData 4 Binary Number of IPv6 datagrams transmitted
40(X'28') SMF119AP_TSP6XDscOth 4 Binary Number of IPv6 outbound datagrams discarded, due to reasons other than no route being available
44(X'2C') SMF119AP_ TSP6XDscRoute 4 Binary Number of IPv6 outbound datagrams discarded, due to no route being available
48(X'30') SMF119AP_TSP6Timeouts 4 Binary Number of IPv6 reassembly timeouts
52(X'34') SMF119AP_ TSP6RecDRsmb 4 Binary Number of received IPv6 datagrams requiring reassembly
56(X'38') SMF119AP_TSP6Rsmb 4 Binary Number of received IPv6 datagrams reassembled
60(X'3C') SMF119AP_TSP6FailRsmb 4 Binary Number of failed reassembly attempts on IPv6 datagrams
64(X'40') SMF119AP_TSP6RecFgmt 4 Binary Number of fragmented IPv6 datagrams received
68(X'44') SMF119AP_ TSP6DscDFgmt 4 Binary Number of IPv6 datagrams discarded due to fragmentation failure
72(X'48') SMF119AP_TSP6XFgmt 4 Binary Number of IPv6 datagram fragments generated
76(X'4C') SMF119AP_ TSP6RouteDisc 4 Binary Number of IPv6 routing discards
Table 7 shows the IPv6 ICMP statistics section:
Table 7. IPv6 ICMP statistics section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0 (X'00') SMF119AP_TSC6Duration 8 Binary Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to one microsecond
8(X'08') SMF119AP_TSC6InMsg 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP messages
12(X'0C') SMF119AP_TSC6InError 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP error messages
16(X'10') SMF119AP_ TSC6InDstUnreach 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP destination unreachable messages
20(X'14') SMF119AP_ TSC6InTimeExcd 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP time exceeded messages
24(X'18') SMF119AP_ TSC6InParmProb 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP parameter problem messages
28(X'1C') SMF119AP_ TSC6InAdmProhib 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP administratively prohibited messages
32(X'20') SMF119AP_ TSC6InPktTooBig 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP packet too big messages
36(X'24') SMF119AP_TSC6InEcho 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP echo request messages
40(X'28') SMF119AP_ TSC6InEchoRep 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP echo reply messages
44(X'2C') SMF119AP_ TSC6InRtSolicit 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP router solicitation messages
48(X'30') SMF119AP_TSC6InRtAdv 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP router advertisement messages
52(X'34') SMF119AP_ TSC6InNbSolicit 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP neighbor solicitation messages
56(X'38') SMF119AP_TSC6InNbAdv 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP neighbor advertisement messages
60(X'3C') SMF119AP_ TSC6InRedirect 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP redirect messages
64(X'40') SMF119AP_TSC6InGrpMemQry 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP multicast listener discovery membership query messages
68(X'44') SMF119AP_ TSC6InGrpMemRsp 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP multicast listener discovery membership reply messages
72(X'48') SMF119AP_ TSC6InGrpMemRed 4 Binary Number of inbound IPv6 ICMP multicast listener discovery membership reduction messages
76(X'4C') SMF119AP_TSC6OutMsg 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP messages
80 (X'50') SMF119AP_TSC6OutError 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP error messages
84 (X'54') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutDstUnrch 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP destination unreachable messages
88 (X'58') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutTimeExcd 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP time exceeded messages
92 (X'5C') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutParmProb 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP parameter problem messages
96 (X'60') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutAdmProhib 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP administratively prohibited messages
100 (X'64') SMF119AP_TSC6OutPktTooBig 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP packet too big messages
104 (X'68') SMF119AP_TSC6OutEcho 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP echo request messages
108 (X'6C') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutEchoRep 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP echo reply messages
112 (X'70') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutRtSolicit 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP router solicitation messages
116 (X'74') SMF119AP_TSC6OutRtAdv 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP router advertisement messages
120 (X'78') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutNbSolicit 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP neighbor solicitation messages
124 (X'7C') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutNbAdv 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP neighbor advertisement messages
128 (X'80') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutRedirect 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP redirect messages
132 (X'84') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutGrpMemQry 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP multicast listener discovery membership query messages
136 (X'88') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutGrpMemRsp 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP multicast listener discovery membership report messages
140 (X'8C') SMF119AP_ TSC6OutGrpMemRed 4 Binary Number of outbound IPv6 ICMP multicast listener discovery membership reduction messages
Table 8 shows the storage statistics section.
Table 8. Storage statistics section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') SMF119AP_TSSTECSACurrent 8 Binary Current number of ECSA storage bytes allocated
8(X'8') SMF119AP_TSSTECSAFree 8 Binary Current number of ECSA storage bytes allocated but not in use
16(X'10') SMF119AP_TSSTPrivateCurrent 8 Binary Current number of authorized private subpool storage bytes allocated
24(X'18') SMF119AP_TSSTPrivateFree 8 Binary Current number of authorized private subpool storage bytes allocated but not in use.
32(X'20') SMF119AP_TSSTSMCRFixedCurrent 8 Binary Current amount of fixed 64-bit storage bytes allocated for SMC-R
40(X'28') SMF119AP_TSSTSMCRFixedMax 8 Binary Maximum amount of fixed 64-bit storage bytes ever allocated for SMC-R
48(X'30') SMF119AP_TSSTSMCRSendCurrent 8 Binary Current amount of fixed 64-bit storage bytes allocated for SMC-R outbound processing
56(X'38') SMF119AP_TSSTSMCRSendMax 8 Binary Maximum amount of fixed 64-bit storage bytes ever allocated for SMC-R outbound processing
64(X'40') SMF119AP_TSSTSMCRRecvCurrent 8 Binary Current amount of fixed 64-bit storage bytes allocated for SMC-R inbound processing
72(X'48') SMF119AP_TSSTSMCRRecvMax 8 Binary Maximum amount of fixed 64-bit storage bytes ever allocated for SMC-R inbound processing