Using batch SMTP command in TSO utilities

The batch SMTP commands are also used with the TSO transmit (XMIT) command and the IEBGENER utility in TSO/ISPF.

Note: JES spool files created by TSO transmit will retain trailing blanks. JES spool files created by IEGNEGER and other utilities will have the trailing blanks truncated.
Use the TSO transmit (XMIT) command to spool a batch SMTP command sequential data set to SMTP. After you create the batch SMTP command sequential data set, use the following command to spool the data set to SMTP:
XMIT jesnode-name.smtp DA(batsmtp.text)
The JES nodename or hostname.
Is the SMTP address space name. This is the default.
Is the batch SMTP commands data set.
Note: If sending a member of a partitioned data set (PDS) using the TSO transmit command, the member must be converted to a SEQuential file. Use the SEQ option on the TSO transmit (XMIT) command to accomplish this as shown in the following example.
      XMIT jesnod-name.smtp DA(pds(member)) SEQ
Where pds is the name of the partitioned data set and member is the name of the member to be sent to SMTP.
To code the batch SMTP commands as inline input for SYSUT1 and SYSUT2, create the following JCL using the IEBGENER utility on the TSO/ISPF application.
Note: The date header must contain the time and the correct time zone. If the time zone is not present, then the time the e-mail is received on the remote side defaults to a time zone of GMT. See RFC 822 for the required syntax of this information.
    //BATSMTP  JOB (userid,nn),MSGCLASS=B,PRTY=12,MSGLEVEL=(2,1)
    //SYSUT1 DD *
    RCPT TO:<>
    RCPT TO:<>
    Date: Thur, 26 Mar 92 21:48:57 EST
    From: Carol <CAROL@YOURMVS>
    To:   <>
    Cc:   <>    Subject: update

     Mike: Cindy stubbed her toe.  Bobby went to 
           baseball camp.  Marsha made the cheerleading team. 
           Jan got glasses.  Peter has an identity crisis. 
           Greg made dates with 3 girls and couldn't 
           remember their names. 
     //SYSUT2 DD SYSOUT=(B,smtp)
     //*                 |   v
     //*                 v  SMTP address space name for external writer
     //*                SYSOUT class
The blocksize limit for files placed on the JES spool is 32760. If necessary, code the DCB attributes on the SYSUT2 DD statement. Do not place spanning record files on the JES spool for SMTP to pick up, because SMTP does not support these files. The following shows how to code the DCB attributes: