Tracing activity for one user

A filter can be specified so that the traces are active only for certain clients that log in. Trace data can include both general and JES-related activity and includes data such as parameter lists and storage areas. The filtering can be done by either IP address of the client or by user ID for the session. Use the IPADDR(filter) and USERID(filter) operands on the FTP SITE command, or on MODIFY operator command, to enable trace filtering.

A client could use the SITE DEBUG and SITE DUMP subcommands to write excessive debugging information to the syslog and effectively disable the syslog function. To prevent this, a RACF® profile controls whether a client is allowed to use these parameters on the SITE subcommand. FTP uses the SERVAUTH resource class. The resource name is EZB.FTP.<systemname>.<ftpdaemonname>.SITE.<tracename>. The lowest level is tracename, which is either DEBUG or DUMP.