TCP/IP subagent trace

When requests for MIB variables supported by the TCP/IP subagent fail with an indication that the variable is not supported (noSuchName or noSuchObject), one possibility is that the TCP/IP subagent was unable to connect to the SNMP agent.

Figure 1 illustrates a scenario where the subagent is unable to connect because the password it is using is not accepted by the SNMP agent. (The password used by the subagent is defined or defaulted on the SACONFIG statement in the TCP/IP profile.) The following traces were obtained with SNMP agent traces set to 15 and the subagent traces (as set on the ITRACE profile statement) set to 3.
Figure 1. SNMP subagent trace
Apr  4 16:28:17 MVS097 snmpagent[67108869]: EZZ6225I SNMP agent: Initialization complete
Apr  4 16:28:21 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: VS.2575 do_connect_and_open: DPIconnect_to_agent_UNIXstream rc -2.
Apr  4 16:28:21 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: VS.1320 do_open_and_register: Connect to SNMP agent failed, will 
keep trying
Apr  4 16:28:21 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: VS.1340 do_open_and_register: issue selectex, interval = 10 seconds
Apr  4 16:28:31 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: VS.2543 do_connect_and_open .... getting agent info from config
Apr  4 16:28:31 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: 08B7A4A0  82818497  A6404040  40404040  40404040   *badpw        *
Apr  4 16:28:31 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: 08B7A4B0  40404040  40404040  40404040  40404040   *             *
Apr  4 16:28:31 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: 08B7A49C  000000A1                                 *....         *
Apr  4 16:28:31 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: VS.2556 do_connect_and_open: port 161
Apr  4 16:28:31 MVS097 M2SubA[50331651]: VS.2567 do_connect_and open: hostname_p =>
Apr  4 16:28:31 MVS097 snmpagent[67108869]: IDSTMVS.SO064350.SOURCE.S@AGV123(1623): rc=-14 
(SNMP_RC_NOT_AUTHENTICATED) from snmp_process_message()
Apr  4 16:28:34 MVS097 snmpagent[67108869]: IDSTMVS.SO064350.SOURCE.S@AGV123(1623): rc=-14 
(SNMP_RC_NOT_AUTHENTICATED) from snmp_process_message()