Use the CTRACE OPTIONS string to enter more keywords for record selection and formatting intrusion detection services (IDS) traces (COMP=SYSTCPIS). See Syntax for the complete syntax of CTRACE.

The syntax for the OPTIONS keyword for IDS trace is the same as the syntax for the packet trace OPTIONS keyword, with a few exceptions. See OPTIONS syntax for the values for the OPTIONS keyword.

You can use the following additional keywords to select records in an IDS trace:

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Record Identifiers

                  V                       |      
|--CORRELATOR--(----correlator identifier-+--)------------------>

             V                  |      
>--GROUP--(----group identifier-+--)---------------------------->

                V                 |      
>--INSTANCE--(----instance number-+--)-------------------------->

                   V          |      
>--+-PROBEID-+--(----probe id-+--)------------------------------>

            V            |      
>--TYPE--(----probe type-+--)-----------------------------------|

The following keywords that are available for packet trace are not available for selecting records in an IDS trace: ARP, DATTRACE, DEVICEID, ETHTYPE, HPRDIAG, MACADDR, PACKETTRACE, PKTTRACE, VLANID, and X25.