Steps for obtaining component trace data with an external writer

You can use an external writer to obtain component trace data for TCP/IP stacks, packet trace, OMPROUTE, and Telnet.


Perform the following steps to obtain component trace data with an external writer:

  1. Enter the appropriate writer procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB, as shown in the following example. Use a separate external writer for each CTRACE component. You can have multiple procedures writing to as many as 16 TRCOUT files either on disk or tape.
    //* COMPID: OPER
    //*         USED BY TCP/IP   .
    //* TIME=1440 to prevent S322 abends
    //             VOL=SER=STORGE,
    //             SPACE=(4096,(100,10),,CONTIG),DISP=(NEW,CATLG),
    // DCB=(DSORG=PS)
    • Do not specify the DCB parameters RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE. The external writer defaults to an optimal blocking factor.
    • Do not specify the RLSE subparameter of the SPACE parameter. The output data sets are opened and closed more than once when GTF runs.
  2. Start the external writer using the following command:
    TRACE CT,WTRSTART=procedure_name,WRAP
  3. Turn on the trace and connect the external writer to the component either by specifying the external writer name in the PARMLIB member, or by specifying the external writer name in the TRACE command. When starting TCP/IP, because the SYSTCPDA component has no PARMLIB member, the PARMLIB option is not applicable for SYSTCPDA. For example, TRACE CT,ON,COMP=SYSTCPDA,SUB=(TCPCS),PARM=CTIEZBDA is a valid command. The PARMLIB member can specify a new buffer size or the name or a writer. To turn the trace on and connect the external writer to the component using a PARMLIB member, add the following TRACEOPTS option to the PARMLIB member:
    where xxx is the procedure name of the external writer. Then use this PARMLIB member when starting the program (TCP/IP, OMPROUTE, TELNET, or the Resolver) or if the program is already executing, issue the following command:
    TRACE CT,ON,COMP=component_name,SUB=(procedure_name),PARM=parmlib_member
    To turn on the trace and connect the external writer without using the PARMLIB member, enter the following command:
    TRACE CT,ON,COMP=component_name,SUB=(procedure_name)
    When the system responds, enter the following command:
    R n,WTR=procedure_name,END 

    where n is the response number issued by the system. You can add options to the response. The options vary for each component name. See Formatting component traces for references to the component options.

  4. Use the DISPLAY command to check the external writer status. Include a sublevel.
    D TRACE,COMP=SYSTCPDA,SUB=(TCPCS2)                    
    IEE843I 11.33.06  TRACE DISPLAY 099                   
            SYSTEM STATUS INFORMATION                               
     ST=(ON,0064K,00064K) AS=ON  BR=OFF EX=ON  MT=(ON,064K)         
                          MODE BUFFER HEAD SUBS                     
                          OFF         HEAD    2                     
         NO HEAD OPTIONS                                            
      SUBTRACE            MODE BUFFER HEAD SUBS                     
      TCPCS2              ON   0016M                                
         ASIDS      *NONE*                                          
         JOBNAMES   *NONE*                                          
         OPTIONS    MINIMUM                                         
         WRITER     PTTCP
    Tip: The external writer is active for packet and data.
  5. Turn off the trace or disconnect the external writer. The following two commands disconnect from the external writer, while leaving the trace running internally.
    TRACE CT,ON,COMP=component_name,SUB=(procedure_jobname)
    When the system responds, enter the second command:
  6. Stop the external writer using the following command:
    TRACE CT,WTRSTOP=procedure_name