Sample output of the TCPHDR command

The following is sample output of the TCPHDR command:
 TCPHDR 7F522108                                                        
 TCB at 7F522108                                                        
 TCP Header at 7F5222D8                                                 
 7F5222D8  04010402  7228DD16  7228DB82  50107FD8  | ...........b&."Q | 
    +0010  00000000                                | ....             | 
   Source Port         : 1025                                           
   Destination Port    : 1026                                           
   Sequence Number     : 1,915,280,662                                  
   Ack Number          : 1,915,280,258                                  
   Header Length       : 20                                             
   Flags               : Ack                                            
   Window Size         : 32728                                          
   Checksum            : 0000                                           
   Urgent Data Pointer : 0000