Using IP packet trace

Trace on the SNALU62 LINKNAME using the TCPIP PKTTRACE command, or on the SNA LU name using the VTAM® buffer trace command.

If the LINKNAME parameter of the IP packet trace facility is specified, only packets transferred along the given link are traced. Specifying this parameter is recommended to avoid tracing many unrelated packets.

See TCP/IP services traces and IPCS support for details about how to use the IP packet trace facility.

Figure 1 shows an example of a CTRACE formatted packet trace record.
Figure 1. A CTRACE formatted packet trace record
   19 VIC127   PACKET   00000001 22:52:18.648744 Packet Trace                 
 To Link           : SNALU62L         Device: SNA_LU6.2        Full=276       
  Tod Clock        : 2001/02/20 22:52:18.648743                               
  Lost Records     : 0                Flags: Pkt Ver2 Out                     
  Source Port      : 0                Dest Port: 0     Asid: 01F6 TCB: 007AEE88
 IpHeader: Version : 4                Header Length: 20                       
  Tos              : 00 QOS: Routine  Normal Service                          
  Packet Length    : 276              ID Number: 1543                         
  Fragment         :                  Offset: 0                               
  TTL              : 64               Protocol: ICMP           CheckSum: 4A5A FFFF
  Source           :                                                
  Destination      :                                                 
  Type/Code        : ECHO             CheckSum: 5B3F FFFF                     
  Id               : 4923             Seq: 11849                              
  Echo Data        : 248                                                      
000000 B56D52DB 47A07ACA 2D523F5F 72BE75F9 |.mR.G.z.-R?_r.u.                  
000010 36332E6F 5A2D7969 5F7DDC7F 401715D9 |63.oZ-yi_}..@...                  
000020 2B9B598F 6414BB49 0D13B59F 08F8D9B9 |+.Y.d..I........                  
000030 099E00AF 643EE129 5C304ABF 667B4199 |....d>.)\0J.f{A.                  
000040 260FA3CF 4CCB6B09 3EE01BDF 6B45CD79 |&...L.k.>...kE.y                  
000050 33B4C2EF 2069D8E9 051FA8FF 618FFD59 |3... i......a..Y                  
000060 3441DE0F 5059AAC9 2EDB721F 49215139 |4A..PY....r.I!Q9                  
000070 2A5B752F 5A6A60A9 7DEFF73F 15514919 |*.u/Zj`.}..?.QI.                  
000080 0B96084F 26FB7A89 4829B85F 2B0764F9 |...O&.z.H)._+.d.                  
000090 7276176F 26FC7869 0945357F 1EBB24D9 |rv.o&.xi.E5...$.                  
0000A0 1070228F 31ECDA49 34EEEE9F 327408B9 |.p".1..I4...2t..                  
0000B0 5FE8A9AF 23DC2029 48C363BF 13C99099 |_...#. )H.c.....                  
0000C0 16342CCF 3B69CA09 1E4F14DF 59E33C79 |.4,.;i...O..Y.<y                  
0000D0 55972BEF 37C557E9 7D0E81FF 43788C59 |U.+.7.W.}...Cx.Y                  
0000E0 1F46270F 36AE49C9 6C6E2B1F 34D10039 |.F'.6.I.ln+.4..9                  
0000F0 05659E2F 52741FA9                   |.e./Rt..                          
IP Header          : 20     IP:,                           
000000 45000114 06070000 40014A5A 09431601  09430102                          
Data               : 256    Data Length: 256                                  
000000 08005B3F 49232E49 B56D52DB 47A07ACA |..$......_....:. ...?I#.I.mR.G.z.|
000010 2D523F5F 72BE75F9 36332E6F 5A2D7969 |...¼...9...?!... -R?_r.u.63.oZ-yi|
000020 5F7DDC7F 401715D9 2B9B598F 6414BB49 |¼'." ..R........ _}..@...+.Y.d..I|
000030 0D13B59F 08F8D9B9 099E00AF 643EE129 |.....8R......... ............d>.)|
000040 5C304ABF 667B4199 260FA3CF 4CCB6B09 |*....#.r..t.<.,. \0J.f{A.&...L.k.|
000050 3EE01BDF 6B45CD79 33B4C2EF 2069D8E9 |....,.....B...QZ >...kE.y3... i..|
000060 051FA8FF 618FFD59 3441DE0F 5059AAC9 |..y./..........I ....a..Y4A..PY..|
000070 2EDB721F 49215139 2A5B752F 5A6A60A9 |.........$..!.-z ..r.I!Q9*.u/Zj`.|
000080 7DEFF73F 15514919 0B96084F 26FB7A89 |'.7......o.|..:i }..?.QI....O&.z.|
000090 4829B85F 2B0764F9 7276176F 26FC7869 |...¼...9...?.... H)._+.d.rv.o&.xi|
0000A0 0945357F 1EBB24D9 1070228F 31ECDA49 |..."...R........ .E5...$..p".1..I|
0000B0 34EEEE9F 327408B9 5FE8A9AF 23DC2029 |........¼Yz..... 4...2t.._...#. )|
0000C0 48C363BF 13C99099 16342CCF 3B69CA09 |.C...I.r........ H.c......4,.;i..|
0000D0 1E4F14DF 59E33C79 55972BEF 37C557E9 |.|...T...p...E.Z .O..Y.<yU.+.7.W.|
0000E0 7D0E81FF 43788C59 1F46270F 36AE49C9 |'.a............I }...Cx.Y.F'.6.I.|
0000F0 6C6E2B1F 34D10039 05659E2F 52741FA9 |%>...J.........z ln+.4..9.e./Rt..|