Quick mode (phase 2) SA states with commit-bit support

Figure 1 shows interpreting Quick mode (phase 2) SA states with commit-bit support.

Figure 1. Quick (phase 2) SA states with commit-bit support
This flowchart is described in the text that follows the figure.
The following state descriptions apply to the Communications Server IKE daemon when acting as the initiator or responder of a Quick mode (phase 2) SA negotiation with commit-bit support (Figure 1). These states are shown in the state field of the ipsec -y display -b command output. See Quick mode with commit bit for a description of the contents of the messages.
  1. The INIT state on the initiator side indicates that message 2 has not yet been received.
  2. The INIT state on the responder side indicates that the responder has not yet sent message 2.
  3. A phase 1 SA must be established between the initiator and responder before the initiator can send message 1 of Quick mode. The PENDING state indicates that the initiator is waiting for a phase 1 negotiation to complete with the responder. For more information, see Interpreting IKEv1 daemon phase 1 SA states. After the phase 1 negotiation completes, message 1 of Quick mode can be sent.
  4. The KEP state on the initiator side indicates that message 2 has been received.
  5. The KEP state on the responder side indicates that message 2 has been sent.
  6. The NOTIFY state indicates that the initiator has sent message 3 and is waiting for message 4.
  7. The DONE state on the initiator side indicates that message 4 has been received.
  8. The DONE state on the responder side indicates that message 4 has been sent.