Quick checklist for common problems

The following list summarizes some initial checks that can be made quickly and are helpful in identifying the problem area.
  1. Is the TCP/IP network active?

    To verify that the network to the server host is active, use the PING command on the client host, using the same IP address or host name as specified in the client program.

  2. Is the Listener started and active on the server host?

    Check that the Listener address space is active and running. The MVS™ SDSF facility can be used to view the active address space list. Also see Using NETSTAT for details about how to determine whether the Listener TCP/IP port is active.

  3. Did the Listener program list any configuration errors to the SYSPRINT data set?

    Check the JCL DD statement in the Listener start procedure to identify the destination of the SYSPRINT output. See Where to find error message documentation to determine the reason for any errors. The Listener address space might need to be stopped to flush any error messages to the destination.

  4. Have you completed all of the required definitions. See Steps for setting up the IMS TCP/IP services socket interface system for the list of required definitions and configurations.
  5. Is the client program connecting to the same TCP/IP port as the Listener? See Using NETSTAT for details about how to use the NETSTAT command to identify which port the Listener is connected to and which port the client program is establishing a socket connection on.