
Code a SYSMDUMP DD or SYSABEND DD statement in the SNALINK cataloged procedure.

There are two MVS™ abends commonly seen during the initialization and startup of the SNALINK LU0 application: X'0C2' and X'0F8'. Both can be caused by the SNALINK LU0 application processing in TCB mode. The VTAM® application definition statement for SNALINK LU0 must have the SRBEXIT=YES parameter coded. This should ensure that VTAM passes control to SNALINK LU0 in SRB mode. SNALINK LU0 code has processing that is not allowed in TCB mode. If the SRBEXIT parameter is coded incorrectly or allowed to default, either abend X'0C2' or X'0F8' will occur.

Guideline: Some networking optimizing packages change the defined mode for VTAM applications for performance purposes. It is suggested that this type of program not be used for the SNALINK LU0 application.