Steps for checking network connection problems

Issue MODIFY subcommands to the MVS™ SNALINK LU6.2 address space to check the status of the LU type 6.2 connection


Perform the following steps:

  1. MODIFY addr_sp_name,LIST,LU=dest_lu_name

    where addr_sp_name is the MVS SNALINK LU6.2 address space name and dest_lu_name is the SNA destination LU name of the remote SNALINK LU6.2 device.

    See Using the SNALINK LU6.2 subcommand for more information about issuing this command and reading the output.

    If the connection status is not “Allocated,” continue with the following commands.

  2. MODIFY addr_sp_name,RESTART,LU=dest_lu_name

    This command attempts to establish the LU type 6.2 connection between the SNALINK LU6.2 devices. During connection establishment, any problems causes error messages to be output to the MVS system console.

  3. MODIFY addr_sp_name,LIST,LU=dest_lu_name


If the connection status is still not “Allocated,” note the messages in the SYSPRINT data set and on the MVS system console and continue with the following analysis.