Debug settings

The value specified by the ADNR debug_level configuration option determines the ADNR logging levels. See z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference, Automated Domain Name Registration, Automated Domain Name Registration configuration file section for more on ADNR logging levels. The values may be added together to trace multiple logging categories. See z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands, Operator commands and system administration, Modify command, Modify command -- Automated Domain Name Registration subsection for further information about displaying and changing ADNR's debug levels.

  • When a problem occurs communicating with a DNS zone, then specifying a debug level of COLLECTION -32 causes ADNR to log the Nsupdate and Dig commands, and responses against the DNS zone. This data is the exact Nsupdate and Dig client commands and any associated responses
  • When ADNR is not able to communicate with a GWM, then specifying a debug level of MESSAGE record (16) causes ADNR to log the SASP flows.