Component trace

You typically use component trace when recreating a problem.

Component trace performs the following functions:
  • Captures trace requests.
  • Adds trace records to an internal buffer.
  • Writes the internal buffer to an external writer, if requested.
  • Formats the trace records using the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) subcommand CTRACE.
  • Provides a descriptor at the beginning of a trace record that specifies the address and length of each data area. Each data area in the trace record is dumped separately.
  • Provides an optional identifier for the connection (UDP, TCP, and so on) as part of each record.
Tip: Trace data can contain user IDs, passwords, and other sensitive information. The trace data files should be protected to prevent disclosure. As an example, packet trace of the FTP port 21 used to control FTP sessions contains user IDs and passwords in the CLEAR. However, a customer can use Secure Socket Layer for FTP and for TELNET. The Packet Trace (V TCPIP,,PKTTRACE) command can be RACF® protected.
For detailed information, see the following information: