Displaying the current volume configuration

After you select a setting for automatic assignment, the dialog displays the current volume configuration, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Panel: Current volume configuration
 CPPP625C  ---- Automatic Data Set Assignment ( MD053718 ) ---- ROW 1 TO 7 OF 7
 COMMAND ==>                                                    SCROLL ==> PAGE

 Current Volume Configuration                                  Scope==> ALL

 Primary Commands: (? Reset CReate)
    Line Commands: (Select Insert List Move After Before eXclude)

     Phys.   Volume  Sequence  Device   Used +   Volume     Existing Reserved
  S  Volume  Type    Number    Type    Reserved  Threshold  Data     Space
  -  ------  ------  --------  ------  --------  ---------  -------- --------
     MVSRES  TARGET    T01     3390-3    315 %       85%        0 %    0 %
     MVSDLB  DLIB      D01     3390-3    224 %       85%        0 %    0 %
  ******************************* Bottom of Data ***************************

As shipped by IBM®, a new configuration consists of a target volume (MVSRES), a DLIB volume (MVSDLB), and a catalog volume (MVSCAT). Because MVSCAT contains only operational data sets, this volume is excluded from automatic assignments, and therefore is not shown in the panel display.

Volumes are shown in volume sequence order if they have been used for automatic assignment before. Otherwise, all volumes except the IPL volume are shown in alphanumeric order. The IPL volume, if it is present in the order, is always shown first with sequence number T01.

If you use existing volumes for data set assignments, the dialog checks the storage capacity of these volumes. If the dialog creates a volume (and the DYNAMIC DASD INFO installation variable is set to YES), the dialog determines whether the volume is online. If so, the dialog retrieves the volume's attributes and available space, just as if the volume had been inserted on the Current Volume Configuration panel. For the ALL or PARTIAL settings, the dialog limits its use of volumes (new and existing) to 85% of capacity. The dialog preserves the remaining 15% of each volume's capacity for later growth of existing data sets and the assignment of data sets that might be added during future installations. For the NEW setting, the dialog limits its use of new volumes to 85% of capacity, but allows its use of existing volumes to increase to 90% before restricting these volumes from further data set assignments.
Note: You can further limit the dialog's use of a volume capacity to less than the default 85% by reserving additional space. For example, if you want the volume to have 25% free space at the end of automatic assignment, you can do this by reserving 10% of the volume's space (334 cylinders for a 3390-3) for the ALL or PARTIAL settings or 15% for the NEW setting.

When the total of used space and reserved space is 10 times the size of the volume or more (that is, more than 999%), the "Used + Reserved" column will contain "999 % *," with the asterisk (*) highlighted as an eyecatcher.

In the Current Volume Configuration panel, use line command S to select volumes for changes. Use line command L to list the data sets currently assigned to a volume. Use line command I to insert more volumes into the work configuration. Use line command X to make exceptions to automatic assignments (as described in Excluding volumes from automatic assignments).

When you select the ALL or PARTIAL settings, the following line commands are also available on this panel:
M, A, B
Move a volume to a different position in the list. To move a volume after another, enter Move for the volume to be moved, and After for the volume that is to precede it. To move a volume before another, enter Move and Before.

You can move a volume only among other volumes of the same type. For example, you can move a target volume before or after other target volumes, but not into a group of DLIB volumes or BOTH volumes.

To move a volume into a group of volumes of a different type, you must first change the volume's type to the other type (target, DLIB, or BOTH) through line command S. You can then move the volume within the group of volumes with that type.

Moving a volume will cause the dialog to adjust the volume sequence numbers accordingly.

If your installation uses volume names that do not ascend in the same order in which you want to have the dialog use the volumes, you can use the Move, After, and Before line commands in the Current Volume Configuration panel to reposition the volumes in the order in which you want them to be used. The dialog will retain the volume sequence numbers and use them in the appropriate order thereafter.

If you select the NEW setting for your first use of automatic assignment, you should temporarily rename the volumes in the dialog, use the Recommended System Layout option, and then rename the volumes back to their original names.

When you finish making changes to volumes, enter the primary command CRreate on the Current Volume Configuration display to create a new configuration.