Example 5: Changing the PATH value of DDDEF entries

In this example, DDDEF entries that describe a PATH in a UNIX file system are to be changed. Specifically, any PATH that starts with "/usr/lpp/" will be changed to "/service/usr/lpp/". The following ZONEEDIT command makes this change:
SET BDY(TZONE1)          /* Set to zone to edit.       */.
ZONEEDIT DDDEF           /* Edit DDDEF entries.        */.
CHANGE PATH('/usr/lpp/'*,
                         /* Add /service to /usr/lpp/  */
                         /* directories.               */.
ENDZONEEDIT              /* End of ZONEEDIT.           */.

If the wildcard character (*) is used on a pathname, it must appear outside the enclosing apostrophes, as shown previously.