Search for members (SRCHFOR)

Use the SRCHFOR primary command to search the members in the member list for one or more strings of data using the SuperC Utility (see Option 3.14). You may limit the search to excluded or non-excluded members, and control whether migrated members are recalled and searched or not. Use this format:

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The string parameter is optional but always converted to uppercase. If string is specified, the search is performed using the current settings in the MEMBER LIST Srchfor Options panel. For example, if "Any case" is not selected and "Filter list" is selected, the command SRCHFOR LBLBOX will list members that contain the string "LBLBOX". A member that contained "lblbox" but not "LBLBOX" would not be listed.

If string is not specified, the MEMBER LIST Srchfor Options panel is displayed. You can use this panel to specify multiple search strings, process options, and output options.

The operands WORD, SUFFIX, and PREFIX can be specified after each search string. Note that the search strings are case sensitive and must match exactly as specified. If you want to disregard case, use the "Any case" process option.

Select the "ASCII" process option to cause ISPF to process the data in the member as ASCII. The data read from the members is converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. Any search string given in hexadecimal notation is assumed to be in ASCII, matching the original input data. The ASCII code page is assumed to be ISO 8859-1 (CCSID 819). The terminal code page is used as the EBCDIC code page. If the terminal code page cannot be determined code page 1047 is used.

You can use the C (continuation) operand to specify that both the current and previous string must be found on the same line to constitute a match. Otherwise, lines with either string are treated as matching.

You can use the process options "Set EDIT FIND string" and "Set BROWSE FIND string" to initialize the FIND string in Edit and Browse from the first SRCHFOR string. Use the output option "Filter list" to list only the subset of members that contain one of the search strings.

Table 1. MEMBER LIST Srchfor Options panel: search string examples
Search strings Explanation
===> ABC
===> EFG
Either string ABC or EFG may be found in the search members.
===> EFG C
The two strings (ABC and EFG) must be found on the same line. ABC must be a complete word, while EFG (a continuation definition) can be part of any word.
===> ABcD prefix The string (ABcD) is detected if the case of each letter matches and it is a prefix of a word.
===> X'7b00' The hex string is specified as the search string. The listing must be browsed with 'HEX ON'.
===> 'AB C''D' The string (AB C'D) is specified.

To start the search from the MEMBER LIST Srchfor Options panel, press Enter. To cancel the request and return to the Member List, enter END or CANCEL.

Output is in the listing DSN you specify and in the MESSAGE field in the DSLIST. Sort on this field to consolidate results.