User response JSON

The following schema describes the JSON data structure for a user response to an ISPF panel display:

    "description":"User response to an ISPF panel display",
        "description":"ISPF logical screen identifier",
        "description":"Panel name",
        "description":"The form of the response made by the user",
            "description":"The response type - CHOICE=pull-down choice,
            CMD=command from the client, KEY=function key, PS=point-and-shoot field",
            "description":"The response qualification - pull-down choice identifier,
            command string, function key identifier, or point-and-shoot field name",
        "description":"The location on the panel where the user has placed the cursor",
            "description":"The number of the panel row the cursor is on",
            "description":"The number of the panel column the cursor is on",
        "description":"The panel fields that have been modified by the user",
            "description":"The name associated with the field",
            "description":"The updated data for the field",