Return codes

These return codes are possible:

One of these:
  • LIST option - Normal completion. The name of next data set in the list is returned in the variable specified in keyword DATASET. Data set statistics are returned, if requested.
  • FREE option - Normal completion. The internal storage associated with the data set list has been freed.
  • SAVE option - Normal completion. The data set list has been successfully written to a data set. The total number of tracks and datasets are returned to dialog variables in the function pool, if requested.
  • SAVEC option - Normal completion. The data set list has been successfully written to a data set. The total number of tracks and datasets are returned to dialog variables in the function pool, if requested.
  • TOTALS option - Normal completion. No list has been written to a dataset. The total number of tracks and datasets are returned into dialog variables in the function pool.
No data sets matched specified search criteria (the values for keywords LEVEL and VOLUME on the LMDINIT service).
End of data set list.
The data set list does not exist for dslist ID.
A keyword value is incorrect.
A truncation or translation error occurred in accessing dialog variables.
Severe error; unable to continue.