How to view XML reports in a browser

When you load a Postprocessor XML report into a browser, you see the report sections collapsed. To view all sections and subsections, use the Expand all sections button (the plus signs) in the upper right corner. The sections expand, and the plus signs change to minus signs as shown in Figure 1. To expand a single section, click on the arrow left to the section name.

Postprocessor XML reports provide a capability to sort tabular data wherever suitable. When you move the cursor over a column header, and the column contains sortable data, then you can click on the header to obtain the data sorted in either ascending or descending order as shown in the expanded I/O Processor (IOP) Data section in the I/O Queuing Activity Report sample of Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sortable data in Postprocessor reports in XML format
How to sort tabular data in Postprocessor XML reports. This feature is accessible from sortable Postprocessor reports available in XML format.