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   |         |    .-,-------. |   |   
   |         |    V         | |   |   
   |         '-,----jobname-+-'   |   
   |        .-,-------.           |   
   |        V         |           |   

Specifies whether virtual storage activity is to be measured. RMF™ can produce common storage summary and detail reports and private area summary and detail reports. When you specify S, either explicitly or by default, RMF produces summary reports; when you specify D, RMF produces both summary reports and detail reports. (Specifying S or D affects only the reports RMF produces; RMF always collects the data required for a detail report.)

To obtain private area reports, replace jobname with the name of the job to be reported. RMF gathers private area data only when you specify a job name. While the syntax allows you to specify the names of up to 25 jobs, it is more efficient to minimize the time required to gather the data by specifying one or two jobs separately. When selecting specific jobs, note also that RMF can gather meaningful data only for long-running jobs.

Note: Measuring virtual storage activity for a specific job may have significant impact on the performance of the job. System address spaces like CATALOG, VTAM®, DB2®, IMS™ or other, should be specified as jobname only for a short period of time when diagnosing a special performance situation. For VSTOR data gathering considerations, refer to the VSTOR report description in z/OS RMF Report Analysis.

If you omit the VSTOR option, the default is VSTOR(S). If you specify VSTOR without any operands, RMF also produces a summary report for common storage. Some other possible combinations are:

  • VSTOR(D) produces a summary and detail report for common storage.
  • VSTOR(D,VTAM) produces a summary and detail report for common storage and a summary and detail report for the private area of the VTAM address space.
  • VSTOR(MYJOB) produces a summary report for common storage and a summary report for the private area of the MYJOB address space.

If you specify the name of a job that is not running when RMF begins measuring virtual storage activity, RMF issues a message indicating that it cannot gather data about the named job. For as long as the VSTOR option remains unchanged, RMF searches for the job at the beginning of each interval. The message appears on the operator console and in the SYSOUT message data set; when RMF finds the job, it deletes the message from the operator console.

Note: Modifications on the VSTOR option are always treated as add-on. For example, when the current status is VSTOR(D,jobname1) and you specify VSTOR(jobname2) via the Modify command, the result will be VSTOR(D,jobname1,jobname2). Now, when you specify VSTOR(S) via a Modify, the status of the VSTOR option is not changed at all because S (summary) is already part of D (detail). VSTOR(D) tells you that Summary and Detail are active. Resetting a VSTOR parameter is only possible by specifying NOVSTOR followed by another VSTOR(...).