Starting with JCL

To start processing from an SMF data set, use this sample JCL:
Figure 1. JCL example for starting the Postprocessor
//EXAMPLE  JOB  job information,REGION=0M
//MFPINPUT DD   <sorted SMF records>
//SYSIN    DD     *
  control statements
Provide the SMF record data to be postprocessed in the data set specified on the MFPINPUT DD statement. Because RMF™ can generate spanned SMF records, this DD statement must contain DCB parameters if the input is an unlabeled tape. The DCB parameters are as follows:
If the input is on a labelled tape or DASD, do not specify any DCB parameters.

The SMF records must be sorted. If this has not already been done, you can combine the sort step from the example from Figure 1 with the Postprocessor start step shown in Figure 1 in a two-step job. Use the SORTOUT data set from the SORT step as the MFPINPUT data set for the ERBRMFPP step.

To start processing from the SMF buffers, use this sample JCL:
//EXAMPLE  JOB  job information,REGION=0M
//SYSIN    DD     *
  control statements

For information about control statements, see How to use control statements and Examples of control statements.

When you specify control statements::