Starting the reporters

The RMF™ Performance Management menu offers easy access to the reporting capabilities of the Monitor II and Monitor III display sessions and the Postprocessor. Just enter the TSO/E command
  • RMF (or RMFJPN for the Kanji version)
You will see the following panel:

Figure 1. RMF Performance Management Menu
                    RMF - Performance Management                 z/OS V2R2 RMF
Selection ===>

Enter selection number or command on selection line.

  1 Postprocessor   Postprocessor reports for Monitor I, II, and III       (PP)
  2 Monitor II      Snapshot reporting with Monitor II                     (M2)
  3 Monitor III     Interactive performance analysis with Monitor III      (M3)

  U USER            User-written applications (add your own ...)           (US)

  R RMF SR          Performance analysis with the Spreadsheet Reporter
  P RMF PM          RMF PM Java Edition
  N News            What's new in z/OS V2R2 RMF

                              T TUTORIAL    X EXIT

  RMF Home Page:

              5650-ZOS Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2016.
               Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

From here, you can access the RMF Reporter you want by entering on the selection line:
  • The selection number
  • The abbreviation shown in parentheses to the right of the choice

Select U or US to access any user-written applications that you have defined.

Enter T to see a tutorial menu, from which you can select the RMF component you want to know more about.

Enter X to leave this panel without starting any reporter.