Option commands

To change the options of an RMF™ Monitor III Reporter session, select O on the Primary menu, or enter the command OPTIONS on the command line of any panel. In response, RMF displays the Option Selection menu:

Figure 1. Option Selection Menu
                          RMF Option Selection Menu
Selection ===>

Select one of the following options or enter command.  Press ENTER.

  1 SESSION         Set Session Options                            (SO)
  2 COLOR           Set Graphics Colors and/or Patterns            (CO)
  3 LANGUAGE        Set Language and Date/Time Options             (LO)
  4 ROPTIONS        Select report options for
                      REPORT ===> ________                         (RO)
  5 OPTSET          Change or Select Option Set                    (OS)

To leave the panel without making a selection, enter END on the selection line.

Table 1. Monitor III Option Commands
Task Command Result
Changing session options SESSION Specifies options that are valid for all reports displayed during this session.
Changing color graphic options COLOR Defines the colors you like to have in the reports.
Changing language options LANGUAGE Defines language-specific display of date and time.
Changing report options ROPTIONS Sets or modifies options for a specific report. Therefore, if you make this selection, you must enter a report name in the field

Report names and their valid abbreviations are listed in Table 1.

Selecting an option set OPTSET Builds a set of options and stores it for later use. If you build several different sets of options, you can select the appropriate one for a given session.